March 16, 2010 - Grilled chicken caesar salad

I usually put together caesar salads for a quick weekday meal, but his time I wanted to make it special with homemade croutons and homemade dressing.  I used Alton Brown's recipe for the croutons, but looked for another recipe for the dressing because I noticed it didn't have anchovies in it.  Isn't caesar dressing supposed to have anchovies in it? Anyways, I tried this dressing recipe.

In my honest opinion, the croutons were definitely worth it to make from scratch (incomparable to store-bought ones!).  The homemade dressing was good as well, but I think spending a little extra to get quality store-bought dressing is just as good and less time-consuming.  Making things from scratch usually saves money, but I'm not sure that was the case here.

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